
Ok soo apparently people of my age group arent supposed to be concerning themselves with stupid and useless thing such as reality...good grades,..respect..politics..or life..no way..instead we are supposed to be more concerned with makeup..shopping and -drumrolls- boys..
A friend of mine is of opinion that the fact that i dont want a boyfriend..im more concerned with studies than makeup is pure pigheadedness..
why i ask her... her witty reply just because...
brilliant isnt it..
My next question is why do have the groups in our school.
why do our teachers prefer to overlook every assinine action of a particular group..why do our teachers prefer to turn a blind eye to the fact that children in our class no school are being demeened and ridiculed on account of thier race thier heritage.. the way they choose to dress and present them selves..
Why are our lives controlled by our teachers and parents...
what possible raison d'ĂȘtre is there for us to wake up at five in the morning 5 days a week just for the sole purpose of going to school...where we learn nothing that is even a bit useful for us in practical life...
Why does nothing interesting happen in my life..
And last but not the least why ..in the name of all that is holy is my life one big "mean girls" movie??


TehBoogieMonsterMan said...

Tell her we're more concerned with religion and respect for our culture than trying to be something that we're not.

And yes, I wish their mentalities would change in school.